you're kind of a big deal

Have you ever been to a workout class where everyone there is totally present? The energy is high, people are focused and everyone is ready to work. It changes the class from a workout you're just doing to an experience. 

This is how yoga was last night, and, this is bold - I know - but I think it might have been the best yoga class I've ever been to. Not only was everyone completely focused, but it was also so hard. There were points at which I really wasn't sure if I'd be able to finish the class.

I obviously loved it. 
One of the things the instructor kept reminding us throughout the class was: to work with who you are, you have to love who you are. And I thought this was a nice idea. 

In a season of resolving and changing and goal setting, it was a good reminder that to get where we want to be, we first have to appreciate where we already are. I've seen so many lists of resolutions that look like a full person makeover. And I love the zeal behind them, but it's important to honor all we do before trying to do more. 

Because, you're kind of a big deal.
I was cashed out the rest of the night and am so sore (sore, sore, soreee) today. Just how I like it! Namaste!

PS: Or if you want to disregard this post and instead continue to resolve, check this out. It's fun :)