
Over the last few years, I've poured a lot of love into this blog and it's grown in a really cool way. My favorite emails to get are from readers asking about how to overcome heartbreak, navigate your 20s and figure out who you are. I love reading them and being reminded that we're really not all that different and we can make this world better by supporting one another wholly and fully. I love sipping my coffee and replying - envisioning you doing the same as you write me - more like friends over coffee than strangers over the internet.

Ever since I got back from Africa, I've had a stirring inside me constantly reminding me that I want more. In a completely honest moment, I'll admit I've found myself jealous of my friends who are content with desk jobs. I wish I could be satisfied by life at a desk, because there are a lot of jobs and a pretty secure path when you want to sit at a desk.

But, I am not one of those people. I need to connect with other humans a lot. I'm an ENFJ and my E shines through like a lighthouse in a storm - it guides me to exactly where I need to go and is impossible to ignore. 

I've spent the last year soul searching - trying to figure out how I can satisfy this part of my heart and still stay in my desk job. Because I love my job and coworkers and I like to think that you can have a little bit of everything if you're willing to move around enough puzzle pieces. 

I care a lot about women who are struggling in seasons of life - with balance, body image, relationships and finding joy. I also care a lot about healthy eating, Jesus and finding our places in this world. After a ton of prayer and counsel from friends and family, I've decided that the best way to pursue these things right now is to obtain a certification in life coaching. 

I started my first course with Coach Approach Ministries last week and am already so excited. I'm learning a lot and already feel lit up by the knowledge. I cannot wait to continue through more courses this year. 

So what does this mean for my blog? Not much will change right now. I hope the knowledge I gain will propel my blog for the better and will help me to connect with people better. Eventually, I will offer one-on-one coaching and possibly group sessions. 

I just keep thinking about Isaiah 55:12, "For you will go out in joy and be led forth in peace..." Because this decision was made in joy - it is something I really want to do and am excited about, but I was anxious about choosing the right next step. The minute I enrolled, though, I was filed with peace. So often the things we want to do - our passions and the things that light us up - are the things we are meant to do. We were created intentionally and our desires mean something. 

So today I present to you, with joy, the next step of my journey :)