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bull ridin, texas lovin weekend

This likely goes without saying, but I have a lot of Indiana state pride. And I can really get down with people who share my level of pride in their state. I mean. It's where you're from! Shouldn't you love it? It's part of your being.
These next two statements also likely go without saying, but I'm going to say them:
1. Texas has a lot of state pride.
Duke, Sam and I went to Houston this weekend for the Rodeo and lemmetellya, that is one boot wearin, barrel rollin, mutton bustin, bull ridin, Texas lovin crowd.  We loved them.
Friday night, we went to the Rodeo and Tim McGraw concert. I don't know which part I loved best - the actual Rodeo events or Timmy himself. They were both show stoppers.
Though Friday night was the most Texas-ish, the rest of the weekend was pretty stellar too.
Highlights include dinner out with Court, Ry, Duke and Sam. Don't mind our semi-matching outfits:
Celebrating Crosby's second birthday:
A trip to the zoo:
A walk home from the gym, at which point sir Cros passed out in my arms (heaven).
And just the general awesomeness that comes from waking up with these fly guys:
We had a slight snafu Sunday morning when Airtran failed to mention that they moved my flight up 1.5 hours. Not being one to arrive at the airport that early (who is?), I didn't quite make it. Even though I was a leetle annoyed of Airtran for pulling this stunt, I couldn't try to deny how happy I was to have another night at Court's.
I got to participate in their Sunday night ritual, Pizza&Planet Earth, which, after hearing about it for a few years, I felt honored to be a part of.
And, it cannot go without saying that the weekend wasn't complete without Ash and her kids. They were supposed to come with us, but all three ended up getting sick. We missed you SO much Ash!