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happy weekend

It's Tuesday, which means I'm a little late on a weekend update. With that in mind, what's a few more minutes for a quick bit of business?
Just a quick reminder that I would absolutely love it if anyone who is willing would donate to my trip to Africa, or share the link with people they know who might be interested. I'm four months out and hoping to buy a plane ticket soon - eek! I'd absolutely love your help getting to that point.
Now on to less awkward topics...
Last Thursday I headed to Savannah to meet my family for Duke's graduation. He earned his Masters in Psychology and I'm so proud of him! Duke's crazy-modest, and it was so fun seeing the way his peers and professors adored him. He'd never let on to just how much he dominated the program, and I am so glad we got to see him in action!
We spent Friday evening in Savannah, sitting outside for dinner, eating froyo - all the normal things we love to do.
Saturday, we headed back to Atlanta where we walked all over town looking at places for Duke to live, went to dinner at El Taco and had an early Mother's Day celebration.
Sunday, my parents left for Indy, but Duke and Sam stayed a bit longer. We went for a run, kick-started our 30 days of green smoothies, visited Georgia State (where Duke will start his PhD program next year), picked up lunch at Whole Foods, ate it in Piedmont Park, with a side of Frisbee, went for a walk around Midtown and then ended the day with some yoga. It took a touch of convincing for Duke and Sam to try it, but by the time we walked out of the 90-minute class, they were hooked.
I hope your weekend was wonderful, too!