five things i've loved this week
- Sleeping like a baby! Because (1) work has been nuts and (2) it's chilly at night and my room is the perfect temperature.
B. Happy peanut butter. I picked up a jar (OK six. But for friends, I promise!) when I was home in Indiana and am in love. People from my hometown make it, so I'm extra proud. The Happy Trails flavor is insane.
Visiting Chris' high school last weekend. We went for an event on Friday night and it was so fun. And, not to mention, Chattanooga is beautiful.
- Fall clothes. I love everything about them this season. Especially, especially the kimonos.
This article. Nothing quite like kindness.
- That today is blessedly Friday. Holy moly what a week! Chris, Melly and I are heading to Clemson for the UNC game with his friends. I couldn't be more excited.
OK byeee Friday Friends!