sometimes, always, never

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{links i love} for all of you who...

For all of my 20 somethings out there. We don't have to have it all together! 

For all of my Atlantans, now that it's finally hotty, hot summer (wahoo!).

For all of my protein-obsessed, fiber-obsessed, healthy food loving friends. Chocolate peanut butter energy bars by Robyn. Need I say more? 

For all my fellow type-A buddies. My simplified planner = my obsession. Emily Ley has all the best ways to keep it in check. 

For those who believe that anything al fresco is the besto. And you're never too old for Twister. 

For anyone else like me who can't ever have enough info about peak season eating. It's tastier, cheaper and healthier! What more could you want? I see you, peaches. 

And for all y'all who believe know that dessert is a food group, should be allowed at every meal and, even though ice cream is king, sometimes it's good to mix it up.

For anyone that wants to wear the boho headband but also wonders if they can pull it off (it's all in the attitude, right?). I feel like this neon bad boy is motivation enough to try it out.

And that's a wrap, folks. 
Because sometimes, everyone else knows how to say it better than me.