
You know when you were little and you thought you were realll funny because you'd tell your mom: Mom, I don't like you. [and she'd pretend she was sad because she knew what was coming] and then you'd drop an: I LOVE you!

That's the joke I want to make right now.

I don't like trying new workouts. I LOVE it. Borderline obsessed, makes my day, one of my favoritest things, type of love. (And the comparison to my mom continues, amiright?!).

FlyWheel  recently opened in Atlanta I was fortunate enough to be able to try it last Thursday. I spent the entire day hyper, anticipating the workout ahead - and let me tell you, it did not disappoint.

I hesitate to call it a spinning class, because it's more of an experience. From the online login, where you can track your position in the class, to the provided shoes, atmosphere, and still or ambient water (they fancy, huh?), I was loving life the whole time I was there.

But even without the fanfare, the workout was incredible. In just 45 minutes I burned more than 700 calories and walked out with shaking hands, arms and legs (I'm not even going to address how sweaty I was).

I can't wait to go back aaand try FlyBarre. Will it rival PureBarre? We'll soon find out. I can't wait!

PS: I clearly drank the juice. Or possibly, the ambient water.