happiness this week

1. Still on a high from my trip to visit Allie in LA. We had the best time catching up and I loved seeing her new world. It's such a good feeling seeing your friends create and grow into new lives. And, it's lovely getting to visit them in warm, fun cities. 

While I was there, she let me wear her jumpsuit. And now I really want one for myself. :) Also, it felt wo.nd.er.ful to wear sandals!

2. Loving this mashup Allie sent me. After you listen, click on the "Your Lips Are Moving" one, too. It's just as good!

3. So pumped for this weekend. Melly and I are having a girls love brunch Saturday morning for our friends. 

4. Also so very excited for dinner with Chris Saturday night. I went rogue and requested no restaurant (I don't like fixed menus and I really don't love tiny food). I can't wait to find out what he has planned. 

5. Feeling a little nervous (but mostly happy) about getting my hair cut tomorrow. Right now, my plan is to cut a good bit off. But I almost always say that and then rarely make much of a change. I will keep you posted!