Due to a series of events that were beyond our control, Chris and I have spent the last three weeks apart. He's in Atlanta, finishing up work, while I'm in Virginia, beginning our new journey. He'll join me in early November, which means, for the first time ever, we're in a long distance relationship.
I recently went back to Atlanta for events for The Letter Project, which was ideal because we spent an entire week together. As we went about our routine - cooking dinner, waking up to our alarm, going to the gym - I couldn't believe how good it felt to do life with him. The most mundane activities, like making a grocery list, suddenly felt like a party. Coming home at night after a long day of work felt like a reunion each time - the highlight of my day.
The week reminded me, in the truest sense, to be more grateful for our daily routine. In our Instagram world, where it seems like everybody is taking trips abroad and going to events - it can be easy to feel like life should be exciting. I'm reminded now that the best moments - the truest slivers of life - happen most often on regular days.
Trips and parties and confetti are nice. But nights spent making butternut squash and eating Halo Top from the carton are pretty amazing, too.