Sometimes, you behave like superwoman and post your goals on the first of the month, ready to report how well you did the 30 days prior. Other times? It's April 14 and you're just now getting around to it. Right now? It's Other Times.
Such is life! We can't all be unicorns, some of us have to be normal human girls.
Today marks six months of The Letter Project and I cannot believe how much has changed or how quickly it has all happened. I feel so grateful for everyone who is a Letter Writer or supporting the project in another capacity. It has been amazing! So, thank you. So much! :)
Here's how I did on my March goals:
1. Do our taxes! // Done! I felt so proud, I can't even explain it.
2. Organize my external hard drive, Google photos, DropBox, etc. // Nope. It's kind of moving into the nice to have, not a priority zone. Eep. We'll come back to you later, Mr. Goal.
3. Catch up on all of the Letter Requests that were submitted while we're in Kenya // They've all been posted - working on getting them mailed!
4. Blog about Kenya // Done(ish)
5. Figure out Chris' 30th birthday celebration :) // DONE. He turns 30 next week and I can't wait to celebrate that kid. He's so great.
6. Re-home Stu. // If you follow me on Insta you know (probably all too well) that Stu has gone off to Stu-niversity. Adele the Orchid has since moved into our home, not to replace him, but as a new friend. (For those of you who don't know Stu, he's a bamboo plant. His full name is Stu the Bamboo. Not to be confused with the more formal name, Stuart.)
7. Take on another freelance project. // Yes! It started this week and I'm really excited about it.
8. Do a big Write Night at Emory with a sorority // Due to unforeseen circumstances, the sorority wasn't able to participate. But, it's OK. Things are in the works for the future.
9. Do some sort of Writer appreciation (because they rock!) // Not yet. Stay tuned :)
10. Host our first Letter Project themed birthday party for a 12-year-old girl. // Done! It was so wonderful. I hope to do many more!
A UNC win wasn't technically on my goal list this month, but it was an added bonus :)
And now, on to April goals!:
1. Restart the process for obtaining my 501c3 for The Letter Project
2. Launch a Campus and City Ambassador program for The Letter Project
3. Celebrate Chris Saxon's 30th birthday! 30 years of life for that man. I can't believe I've only known him for one 10th of it. I wish I could go back and know him all 30!
4. Hire a summer intern
5. Create a parking lot for business ideas. I feel like I have so many things I want to do for my business, but am not getting them done, because there are so many things I have to do. My goal is to get all of these ideas on paper and pick one or two to do each month for the rest of the year. That way I don't lose them altogether, but don't feel like I have to do them all at once.
And, since there are only two weeks left this month, I think five goals is juuuust the right number. Happy Friday and happy happy happy EASTER! He is risen, y'all!