because it's too good not to share...

“J.Crew was the life that you could have. It was about hanging out. There was no price of entry. You might have a house in Maine on the beach, but you didn’t have a yacht and twelve horses,” Jenna Lyons.

...And because every now and then I feel sad when I remember that I'm not actually friends with Jenna Lyons. But I really think we could be excellent friends. Like besties. Like the type of besties that share clothes.

Read the full interview. You're going to love her as much as me and the half a million other girls who Google "Jenna Lyons girl crush" on the reg.


My deardear Jordan sent me this photo today, and said she thought it looked like a Whitney outfit. Pretty much made me feel amazing.

I guess I shouldn't really feel that accomplished that a skirt/cardi combo felt like a big compliment, since that's pretty much all I wear, but I still felt pretty great because this girl looks way cutie.

Birthday listing it.
image via jordan via the j.crew catalogue 


I'm making it a goal to stop worrying so much, though I am a little worried I won't be able to do it.

Just kidding.

But seriously, I'm trying not to worry as much because it's such a huge waste of my energy. Last night I rededicated myself to the cause (it's a major undertaking for me) and I thought it was appropriate that I ran across this today...
Instead of worrying I'm going to think of much lovelier things, like the new J.Crew catalogue. Neon ballet flats and brightly striped tees? Yes, please! With spring this close, what is there to worry about?