the grass is greener

My mom definitely wins the award for the best Easter baskets ever. Check out her handiwork below.

When I was home in March, she told me she wanted to grow her own grass in the baskets she and my dad were making for the grand babies.

And so, the project started here:
We celebrated Easter in Hilton Head, and she and my dad transported the lovely buckets to the island.

Check out the final products below.

How much cuter are these than plastic grass filled baskets? Not to mention eco-friendlier, safer and way happier.

Ten points for Muffy.

cleanliness, godliness, busyness

Yesterday on the way in to work, I asked my dad what his weekend plans were. He told me I was premature, considering it was not even 7 a.m. on Wednesday.

However, today! Today, people! It's Thursday! And it's completely appropriate to talk about the weekend, because there is just one tiny day keeping us from touching it.

We've been a little overextended in the office lately, to the point that when I get home at night, my brain is fried and I can't think of anything clever to say on here (see yesterday's post). Today, my coworker was telling me she was feeling the same way, and that she was struggling to find time for basic tasks, such as washing her hair. Somewhat of an obsessive showerer, I didn't fully relate, but it made me glad to know we're in this boat together - albeit a stinky one.

I'm very much looking forward to a bit of mindlessness this weekend. I'm not quite sure where I'll find it, but I'm bound and determined to make it happen. Preferably in Piedmont Park.

But for now, we press on! Here's to hoping for some hair washing time today. Happy Thursdee!


kappow! moving and cuppows...

Moving weekend is upon us! I hope that this is the last time I post about this topic for a looong time. I am so ready for my things to be neatly in their places: hangers hung, colors coded, drawers folded, socks matched...

It's going to be blissful.

My dad and mom arrive today to help, which equals a doubly special weekend.

If I didn't already have quite a bit to move, I think this would be the ideal time to invest in a Cuppow. My parents, who are the anti-clutter and anti-collections king and queen, love Ball jars - to the point that they've actually allowed themselves to cultivate quite the collection. Are they on display? Absolutely not. But they still love them in their hearts.

The coffee will surely be flowing this weekend, and I think a Cuppow would have been a great way to transport our coffee from Brookhaven to Midtown. Whappow! Next time, I guess. Which, I promise, won't be for a while...


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